About Us
At KHarma Booking you benefit from over a decade of experience in the tourism sector in Hurghada. Since our founding in 2017, we have built on years of knowledge and a deep connection to this unique region. Our professional and dedicated team ensures that every trip becomes an unforgettable experience. With more than 30 supporting employees, we offer excellent service and tailor-made solutions for your needs - be it hotel and flight reservations, the organization of tourist trips or transport services. We guarantee you first-class quality at competitive prices and ensure that you feel well looked after at all times. Our focus is on your satisfaction, innovation and continuous improvement. Choose KHarma Booking if you are looking for a trustworthy, experienced and customer-focused travel agency!
Our vision
Providing you with a modern, comfortable and connected travel experience is one of our top priorities. That's why we're constantly trying to improve your experience when you book something with us.
Our mission
We really appreciate any suggestions you have for us. So you can send us a message at any time. Contact us and we will respond to your inquiries immediately
Why choose us?
Special prices for your comfort and easy transportation
Discover the world with us at affordable prices and special travel offers
24/7 support
Travel worry-free knowing we're here for you 24/7
Trust and credibility
We strive to provide our services with the highest level of trust
Total trips